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Artist Side A Side B LabelNumberGradePriceQty
Machine Gun TV w/P.S. (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) Marble (Sound Clip) 2) Floater 1) Alfee 2) Bee Tochnit Aleph (Japan) (Small Center Hole)028Mint (P.S. - VG++) $5.00 1
Mad Scene w/P.S. (1995) (E.P.)
Music NoteThe Greatest Time 1) Sealight 2) Balloon Merge (Small Center Hole)072Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $6.00 1
Madison w/P.S. (1999)
Music NoteRasputin Lament Doomed (Small Center Hole)666Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Magna Carta w/P.S. (1981)
Music NoteHighway To Spain Natural Born Loving Man Recorded Delivery (Small Center Hole)003Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Mailorder Freak w/P.S. (Instr.)
Music NoteCorrections November Kill Rock Stars332Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Mama Tick w/P.S. (1994) (33 1/3)
Music NoteAction City Shout (At The Devil) Three Little Girls (Small Center Hole)008Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Manneqvin w/P.S. (1990)
Music NoteThe Other Side Black Day (Jow) Shakefork1001Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $10.00 1
Manning, Barbara w/Flophouse w/P.S. (1993)
Music NoteB4 We Go Under I Love You 1000 Ways Teen Beat (Small Center Hole)102Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $6.00 1
Mantis (w/P.S.)
Music NoteDruler Travellin` Fist Drag City27Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
March Violets w/P.S. (1983)
Music NoteSnake Dance Slow Drip Lizard Rebirth (Small Center Hole)21Mint (P.S. - VG++) $8.00 1
Martinlutherkinks w/P.S. "Hit Parade" (1994) (E.P.)
Music Note1) Hey Hey We`re The Third Worls (Sound Clip) 2) Morgan`s Raiders Seasonal Reign 2) Hits In The Head Wenher001Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $10.00 1
Mater Group, Norman w/P.S.
Music NoteReal Plane Monumental Dischord (Small Center Hole)97.5Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Medicine Man w/P.S. (1993) (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) Green (Sound Clip) 2) For The Love Of God 1) Human Shapnel 2) Walk In Thrashing Mad (Small Center Hole)003Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $7.00 1
Meristem w/P.S. (1994)
Music Note504 Reverend Stool (Small Center hole)39107Mint- (P.S. - Mint-) $6.00 1
Mice Termite w/P.S. (1993)
Music NoteOne Bullet Don`t Miss Mother Confusion Gear Rd. (Small Center Hole) (Blue Marble Vinyl)02Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Mid Carson/Grey A.M. w/P.S. (1998)
Music Note32 Degrees And Falling What To Do, What To Say?-Grey A.M. Da Capo Al Fine (Small Center Hole)4Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Mifune, Toshiro w/P.S. (2000) (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) I Was Delighted To See Them Leave (Sound Clip) 2) The 7th Cavalry Is Full Of Phantoms3) I Will Not Get Angry. I Will Go To My Happy Place And Wait For The Cheese 1) Pistol Whip 2) Mat Song 3) Bodega ay Will Never Be The Same Deep Six (Small Center Hole)35Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Missed In Diary w/P.S. (1993)
Remember When To Crowd The Hours Eye (Light Green Clear Vinyl) (Small Center Hole)002Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $15.00 1
Modern Art (1986) (33 1/3)
Music NoteLindbloom Park Julia Sound Pak (Small Center Hole)511066Mint $10.00 1
Monade w/P.S. (1996) (Instr.)
Music NoteWitchazel Ode To A Keyring Duophonic Super (Small Center Hole)47401Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $6.00 1
Monitor Radio w/P.S. (1995)
Music NoteObserve: Spies Halloween Kingsize01Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Monkey Power Trio w/P.S. "Future Past Present"(2001) (E.P.)
Music Note1) Black Fulton (Sound Clip) 2) When I Save Time (I SAve Money) 1) The Land Of MPT 2) Hey Matt MPT 54464Mint (P.S. - VG++) $4.00 1
Monster Truck Five w/P.S. (1994?)
Music NoteVandal-X Privilege-D Sympathy For The Recortd Industry (Small Center Hole)355Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Month Of Birthdays w/P.S. (E.P.) (33 1/3) (1998)
Music NoteDenial Of Vice (Sound Clip) 2) Heightened Appraisal Subjugation (Small Center Hole)10900Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $6.00 1
Mother w/P.S. (1991)
Music Note3,000 Miles/Firesnake Think Tank Gh (Pink Marble Vinyl)138Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Mount McKinleys w/ P.S. (1998)
Music NoteThe Cake Eater (Instr.) Hindenburgh Nine Anthracite106428Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Mountain Singers w/P.S. "Chicken E.P." (33 1/3)
Music Note1) He Ought To Be Erased (Sound Clip) 2) Can Of Mace 1) Along For The Ride 2) That Feel Generator ((Small Center Hole)17Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Ms. Bliss/Naming Mary (1994) (33 1/3)
Music NoteComing In Waves Stardriver - Naming Mary Wintermute (Blue Marble Vinyl) (Small Center Hole)38077Mint (P.S. - VG++) $4.00 1
Multiple Cat w/P.S. (1996)
Music NoteThe New Marcus Aurelius Red Volvo DL Wagon Zero Hour (Small Center Hole)5Mint (P.S. - VG+) $4.00 1
Multiple Cat w/P.S. (1996) (E.P.)
Music NoteA Test 1) Little Things 2) Multiplicity Zero Hour (Small Center Hole)10Mint (P.S. - VG++) $5.00 1
Munky "Tight Slacks" (1996) (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) Polarold (Sound Clip) 2) Medallions And Tight Slacks 1) Odd And Ends 2) Get Out 3) Rock-n-Roll Business4) Tri County Fair Old Hag00Mint $4.00 1
Murder-Suicide Pact w/P.S. (E.P.)
Music Note1) Lobotomy Kit (sound Clip) 2) T.G.L.P. 1) Deadened 2) Homeless Christians Hardcore (Small Center Hole) (Grey Marble Vinyl)9Mint (P.S. - VG++) $4.00 1
Muzza Chunka w/P.S. (1993)
Music NoteMeaty Greedy Shun Rowdy (Green Vinyl)35021-7Mint (P.S. - VG++) $5.00 1
My Name w/P.S.
Music NoteA Woman`s Touch My Wife CZ (Small Center Hole)033Mint (P.S. - VG+) $4.00 1
Mystery Girls w/P.S.
Music Note3/5 Of A Mile In 10 Seconds Mr. Thompson Cass005Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $10.00 1
Nana w/P.S. (1994)
Music NoteCoo Flushed Mag Wheel (Clear Purple Vinyl)7Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Nashville Pussy (1997) (Nude Pin-Up Cv.)
Go Motherfucker Milk Cow Blues Get Hip210Mint (P.S.=Mint) $6.00 1
Nation Of Lepers/60 Cylcle Hum w/P.S. (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) Hollow (Sound Clip) 2) Zerofil 1) Degrade You (Sound Clip) 2) Rosemary Had A Baby- 60 Cycle Hum Reality (Small Center Hole)21Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Neill, Casey w/P.S.
Music NoteRaleigh & Spencer The Blue Tar Road Broadside002Mint- (P.S. = Mint-) $5.00 1
New Year w/P.S. (1997) (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) Tycho-1 (Sound Clip) 2) By Product 1) Staring At The Stars 2) Fuck You Moo Cow (Small Center Hole)35Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Nightblooms w/P.S. (1998) (E.P.)
Music NoteNever Dream At All 1) It`s Alright 2) He`s Dead Seed (Clear Gold Vinyl) (Small Center Hole)4Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
Ninefingers w/P.S. (1993) (33 1/3)
Music NoteDr. Feelgood Incendiary Rhetories (Small Center Hole)10Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Nitro Puppy w/P.S. (1989)
Music NoteCrazy Summer Shitstorm Toejam (Small Center Hole)001Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
No Parade w/P.S. (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) Nights & Justice (Sound Clip) 2) Backs As Ladders 3) Short Leash/Smaal Cage 4) Solid Ground 1) No Parade 2) In Bold Print 3) Surrender 4) Gun Powder Power004Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $4.00 1
No Time Left w/P.S. (2000) (E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) No Time Left (Sound Clip) 2) Wartime Economy 3) The Message We Send 4) Zero Effort Solution 1) Your Move 2) Human Interest Story 3) Self-Server TPR (Small Center Hole)10Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $6.00 1
Nolan, Joe (1993)
Music NoteBrown-Eyed Boy Shipwreak Song Ardvark (Clear Blue Vinyl) (Small Center Hole)9017Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $6.00 1
Not My Son w/P.S. "American Devil"(E.P.) (33 1/3)
Music Note1) Alone (Sound Clip) 2) Lame Week 3) Kim 1) Been Nice Knowing You 2) Filth 3) Against The Grain Atomic Sound (Small Center Hole)44381Mint (P.S. - VG++) $4.00 1
Not Rebecca "Picture Disc" (1995)
Music NoteThree Feet Thick Side You Thick (Small Center Hole)45414Mint $7.00 1
Nothingpaintedblue w/P.S. (1992)
Music NoteSwivelchair Blooming, Buzzing Kokopop (White Vinyl)1Mint (P.S. - Mint-) $5.00 1
Artist Side A Side B LabelNumberGrade Qty
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